Alachua to Lake Butler Rail Trail
Size: 85 acres (7 miles long)
Year conserved: 2012
Partner organization: Florida Communities Trust
This is the first step in creating a new rail trail connecting Alachua to Lake Butler and will eventually link to the network of rail trails throughout north and central Florida. The 7 miles of old rail bed that make up the trail are located in Alachua and Union counties with the center point roughly in Worthington Springs.
This rail trail project was part of the Santa Fe River Preserve acquisition and received funding from Florida Communities Trust and two family foundations. The land was purchased from Gainesville Regional Utilities (GRU), which had originally acquired the property two decades ago for a rail spur that was never built.
The Alachua to Lake Butler Rail Trail will be a long-term project since considerable money and cooperation from various municipalities and agencies will be needed to make this happen.
No access is currently available.
Banner image by Chuck's Adventure Blog.